The Florida Press Association named Florida Weekly the best weekly newspapers in the state after the newspapers garnered 28 journalism prizes at the annual association awards program on July 21st, 2023 in Sarasota. This is the eighth time Florida Weekly has won the state’s top award.

This year, in the category for weekly newspapers with circulation above 15,000, Florida Weekly writers, designers and editors won 13 first place, eight second place and seven third place awards.

“Our editorial and design teams constantly strive to find new ways to connect with our 200,000 readers,” said Betty Wells, interim executive editor. “It’s very gratifying for us to be recognized for our outstanding work in telling the stories of the communities we serve.”

Florida Weekly was founded in 2007. Last year, the Hoffmann Family of Companies acquired the nine newspapers in the group from the founders.

The Florida Press Association’s Weekly Newspaper Contest is open to monthly, semi- monthly, weekly, semiweekly and tri-weekly newspaper members.

For more information and to see the stories and photos that were cited, see

First Place Awards

1. Better Weekly Sweepstakes — Division A (aka Best Weekly Newspaper)
2. Community Service — Division ABC — Cindy Pierce
3. Hurricane Coverage- General News Story — Division A — Laura Tichy
4. General News Story (Gwen Stevenson Memorial Award) — Division A — Mary Wozniak
5. Investigative Reporting (Claudia Ross Memorial Award) — Division A — Mary Wozniak
6. Feature Story: Non-profile — Division A — Roger Williams
7. Hurricane Feature Story — Division A — Laura Tichy
8. Arts, Entertainment & Review Reporting — Division A — Mary Wozniak
9. Business Reporting — Division A — Mary Wozniak
10. State & Local Tax Reporting (The Tax Watch Award) — Division A — Roger Williams
11. Community History — Division A — Roger Williams
12. Spot News Photo — Division A — Kinfay Moroti
13. Photo Series in One Issue — Division A — Kinfay Moroti

Second Place Awards

1. Community Service — Division ABC — Laura Tichy
2. General News Story (Gwen Stevenson Memorial Award) — Division A — Laura Tichy
3. Investigative Reporting (Claudia Ross Memorial Award) — Division A — Laura Tichy
4. In Depth Reporting (Non-Investigative) — Division A — Laura Tichy
5. Roads & Transportation — Division A — Mary Wozniak
6. Best Obituary — Division A — Roger Williams
7. Sports Feature Story — Division A — Glenn Miller
8. Overall Graphic Design — Division A — Staff

Third Place Awards

1. In-Depth Reporting (Non-Investigative) — Division A — Roger Williams
2. Faith & Family Reporting — Division A — Roger Williams
3. Roads & Transportation — Division A — Staff
4. Local Government Reporting — Division A — Laura Tichy
5. Agricultural & Environmental Reporting — Division A — Laura Tichy
6. Best Obituary — Division A — Nancy Stetson
7. Health, Science & Medical Reporting — Division A — Robin DeMattia

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